So Much Shareware 4
So Much Shareware 4 (Power User Software) (1994).ISO
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483 lines
125ADEV.ZIP 31421 08-08-93 PowerBoard BBS v1.25a Developers Kit; Meant
| for professional software developers who
| intend on developing add-ons for the
| PowerBoard BBS system. Examples: Multinode
| Interaction; Powermail Door; Bottom Status
| Line Configuration; Menu Developer Codes;
| Waiting-For-Calls Screen Pull Down Menu
| Codes; EXTERN.LIB External Command Library
| examples; File Area .NDX (File Index), .SZ,
| .DTB and .DTX Files
3DLIB30A.ZIP 179739 03-10-94 3D Animation Library For TP/BP/TPW/C++ [1/2]
3DLIB30B.ZIP 224704 03-10-94 3D Animation Library For TP/BP/TPW/C++ [2/2]
AHLP14.ZIP 67849 09-09-93 AHELP5 v1.40: Advanced Help & Index Library
| for Clipper 5.0 AHELP 1.40: MicroFox
| distributes exclusively. Advanced Help
| Library for Clipper Summer '87. AHLP14.ZIP
| contains both AHELP and AHELP5. Context
| sensitive help with popup windows for
| applications written with Clipper. Key word
| indexes available for complete system.
BCNN0194.ZIP 14667 01-04-94 Boston Clipper Newsletter 01/94
BLDR10A.ZIP 196771 06-30-93 BUILDER v1.0 [1/2]; Clipper code generator
| creates drop down menuing apps. includes
| report code generator and a large function
| library. Create menu, dialog, pick list and
| file maintenance type windows for your
| application model. Use with Summer '87 or
| v5.x. Move, size, add, delete screen
| elements. Change screen colors. Create and
| modify database structures.
BLDR10B.ZIP 235025 06-30-93 BUILDER v1.0 [2/2]] Clipper code generator.
BOOKBIB.ZIP 13912 12-03-93 Borland Products related book bibliography
BPOS13.ZIP 175964 11-24-93 Translation of OS/2 1.3 Header files to
| Pascal Units, use with patched Borland Pascal
| 7.0x compiler
BS2FR202.ZIP 60633 02-15-94 BAS2FOR v2.0; The BASIC to FORTRAN Language
| Translator.
BUGTRAKR.ZIP 218499 08-13-93 Bug Tracker v1.13; keeps track of computer
| program bugs. It allows you to document, sort
| and track the progress of fixes to bugs and
| implementations of enhancements.
CHISEL.ZIP 1649 12-30-93 Chiseled border box code with shadow
CHKIDX.ZIP 11372 08-13-93 Menu-driven EXE util displays the key index
| expression in a .idx file for Clipper 5.2
| Written in Builder from Hyperkinetix. Source
| and .exe included.
CLIDE.ZIP 253864 08-13-93 CLIDE Clipper IDE v1.95: Look and feel of
| another popular interface, everything but the
| dot prompt. Build DBF's, indexes, input
| screens (forms), reports and menus. It
| slices, it dices... When you're done, Clide
| will write Clipper code. If you want to build
| an application fast, or have just moved up to
| Clipper and would like an assist, try Clide.
CLIPBT.ZIP 21750 12-08-93 ClipButtons Library - Shareware
CLIPVER.ZIP 16337 08-13-93 EXE util determines which version of Clipper
| was used to make *.OBJs and *.LIBs. Scans
| files, reports, optionally creates a
| recompilation batch file.
CLPVAR.ZIP 17166 11-19-93 CLIPVAR.EXE - a utility to save you time
CLUG0194.ZIP 36434 01-03-94 CA-Clipper User Group Directory Listing of
| User Groups in .NG [Norton Guides] format.
COSTAR.ZIP 212139 01-02-94 CoStar v1.00; Tool to 'clean-up' & re-format
| COBOL source code. The resulting code is a
| properly structured module that provides
| improved readability, simpler logic flow,
| minimized maintanance time and program
| uniformity. A must in every COBOL programmers
| toolbox.
CPPTBA.ZIP 18460 11-30-93 IUCL Toolbar source code, Frame Extentions
CUACLIP.ZIP 158515 08-13-93 CUA-Clip Interface Library; used to be called
| the DELCOM Library. Clip5x libraries to
| interface with mice, show pulldowns,
| pullouts, check boxes, radio buttons, etc.
DBENG3.ZIP 142444 10-13-93 DBEngine - is a custom control interface to
| the Paradox Engine 3.x. It allows VB and
| Visual C++ programmers to build multi-user
| network-compatible database management
| applications. This is compatible with VB 1.0,
| 2.0, and 3.0 and Visual C++ 1.0.
DBFDIR.ZIP 1824 11-26-93 DBF aware directory listing
DBFMEM.ZIP 2039 12-07-93 Store memos in .DBF Files
DBPRN.ZIP 1179 11-16-93 Simple DBF-structure print routine
DEBIN.ZIP 6310 01-03-94 DEBIN v1.1 list Clipper 5.x object Files
DINT-SW1.ZIP 32398 07-13-93 DOS INterrupt Toolkit; One single reference
| that provides the necessary information to
| use and/or translate all of the Interrupt 21h
| sub-functions, particularly those that are
| rarely used in the course of my normal
| programming and virus disassembly.
DIRFUN.ZIP 4671 11-28-93 Create/remove multi-level directories
DISASTER.ZIP 31086 06-30-93 DISASTER v1.0; Interactive disassembler. This
| program reads a COM, SYS or EXE file and
| tries to find out what is code and what is
| data. The user can interactively correct it,
| add comments and meaningful labels.
| Eventually a source-file is produced which
| can be re-assembled.
DOBERON2.ZIP 635948 10-12-93 Oberon for MS-DOS Systems with 386 or better.
| Oberon is both programming language and
| operating environment by Nicklaus Wirth
| (creator of both Pascal and Modula-2). With
| Oberon you can create an advanced and
| portable operating system that takes only 5MB
| of space. The documentation is in TeX format.
DOC303.ZIP 119750 06-04-93 DOC, Source Code Documentor for Clip5x v3.03.
| Indents, creates file and function headers,
| documents function calls, parameters, and
| databases and indexes. Also creates action
| diagrams, reports, cross-references, data
| dictionaries, and Norton Guide database
| compile and link files. User defined open
| database function, more options on comment
| and continued lines, and better support for
| char/line on printer output.
DOORS10.ZIP 46360 06-18-93 DOORS; Smallest general purpose, user
| definable, and the ONLY optimizable library
| for Clip5x. (DOORS.501, included in this
| archieve, is a .ZIP file).
DOUGH20.ZIP 191713 06-21-93 Doughboy Install v2.0 for Windows; Powerful
| yet extremely easy to use Installation
| Program Generator and Disk Set Builder.
| Within minutes you can have a professional
| looking INSTALL program for your software, as
| well as a set of disks ready to be duplicated
| and shipped out!
DVPT30.ZIP 280638 11-19-93 Digitized Voice Programmer's Toolkit for the
| PC v3.0; Provides developers with ability to
| add sound to applications without using a
| sound card. Even plays in Windows Dos box.
ENCRYP.ZIP 10933 12-26-93 Password an file encryption library
EVAL23.ZIP 36795 09-25-93 EVAL v2.3; pop-up TSR four-function floating
| point calculator/expression evaluator,
| featuring accurate decimal rounding and
| conversion between number bases. Results can
| be output to the running application. Great
| for quick calculations when writing and for
| programmers!
FAST300.ZIP 303579 01-20-94 Fast Library 3.0 best library for Clipper
FASTGIF.ZIP 233209 01-13-94 GIF viewer in VGA/SVGA with clipper code
FINISH26.ZIP 112163 11-20-93 THE FINISHING TOUCH v2.6; Professional
| software installation program for developers
| to distribute with their software. It
| compresses files 50%+, displays shadowed
| windows, reads across floppies, checks
| hardware, modifies AUTOEXEC.BAT and
| CONFIG.SYS, prints or views ASCII files, does
| error checking, and more! Includes 67 pages
| of documentation and two sample script files.
FIXAR3.ZIP 4656 12-17-93 NanforLib v2.1 - FT_SAVEARR fix
FTAUTHI.ZIP 22219 07-18-93 All software authors, publishers, marketers,
| etc. should read this self running text file
| describing an easy method of distributing
| most any software or hardware product
| professionally, for very little cost.
FTOOL.ZIP 1981 12-05-93 NanforLib v2.1 replacement CT.LIB strfile()
GDM1.ZIP 428415 11-19-93 GAME DEVELOPERS MAGAZINE - Issue 1 Created by
| Phil Inch - Australian Made! At long last, an
| electronic magazine dedicated to people who
| are in to games programming, or would like to
| learn. News, reviews, hints and tips and
| detailed articles (covering all programming
| languages) will teach you everything you need
| to know to create your own masterpieces!
| G.D.M. is a monthly publication, and is
| totally FREE!
GDM2.ZIP 164771 11-09-93 == GAME DEVELOPERS MAGAZINE == == Issue 2,
| November 1993 == == Created by Phil Inch ==
| If you're interested in developing games for
| IBM compatible machines, this magazine is a
| MUST. Learn how to create stunning graphics,
| sound and music, step by step, month by
| month, with nothing more to pay! Don't get
| left behind - get GDM now!
GETBOX.ZIP 1188 12-16-93 NanforLib v2.1 Get string using FT_XBOX
GT10.ZIP 83700 12-28-93 FastGT 1.0 Graphic terminal for Clipper Use
| PKUNZIP -d Option to make directories
GTDEMO1.ZIP 41142 01-20-94 FastGT 1.0 Demo Make Clipper Window system
GTDEMO2.ZIP 23628 01-12-94 FastGT Demo, dialog box with clipper code
GUIDE.ZIP 61192 07-12-93 BEGINNING AUTHOR'S GUIDE; Hints, thoughts,
| tips and insights specifically aimed at the
| beginning shareware author. Provided by the
| ASP in the hope that a new shareware author
| might benefit from the experiences and
| accumulated wisdom it contains.
HDINSTAL.ZIP 33662 07-07-93 Installs files from A drive to hard drive.
| Great for program development. Source code
| included: Bascom 7.0.
HEADER13.ZIP 163563 10-06-93 16 bit C headerfiles from OS/2 1.3 toolkit
HELPED19.ZIP 242798 11-19-93 HelpEdit Windows Help Tool Editor Help Edit a
| is Windows Help File generation system that
| allows users to develop Help files without
| the need of an RTF Editor such as Word. Help
| Edit creates all Topic and Definitions and
| automatically generates all jump labels. Help
| Edit supports the inclusion of Fonts, colour
| and Bitmaps into your Help File. It will
| automatically generate an HPJ file, and call
| the Help Compiler. You can then test your
HLPDK80.ZIP 355007 08-01-93 RL Help Engine; Help Compiler, Run-Time help
| engines and docs. Support for Dos, OS/2,
| DESQview/X & Windows. Creates Documentation
| (Text) from the same source. Supported
| Formats : Native(PX), Native(Mem), Win30,
| Win31, QuickHelp, THELP, TVHC, POPHELP,
| DESQview/X, OS/2, Text, RTF (Word Processors)
HLPPCP30.ZIP 598239 11-18-93 Help Pre-Compiler v3.0 [FREEWARE] The program
| you need to create Windows Help files. It's
| Windows hosted and very easy to use.
| Powerful. Includes a Preview option, Toolbar,
| Status bar, etc... :)
HYPTRK40.ZIP 263857 12-01-93 HyperTrack:The Windows Help File Tracker plus
| HyperDoc WinWord to WinHelp Document
| Conversion Macros. HyperTrack and HyperDoc
| are the two components that make up a
| comprehensive development system for creating
| Microsoft Windows help files.
ICONS.ZIP 12019 01-20-94 User defined icons for fast library
IMPRES26.ZIP 270950 09-11-93 First Impression 2.6-Custom Installation Kit
| This is a complete installation kit for
| developers that covers every aspect of the
| install. Checks hardware requirements as well
| as updates config.sys and autoexec.bat files.
| Hard error recovery, built in file browser
| and prints files to user selected ports.
INFSPY.ZIP 48811 08-31-93 InfSpy v1.0; Shows Heap, Windows, Tasks and
| Modules in a window and relates them to each
| other. Other features include Heap Memory
| Dump, printing and saving options, a Task
| terminator, Module Unload, and more
INT09.ZIP 4811 07-31-93 Int09 v0.1(beta); Simple program designed to
| explain how the Interrupt 9 works.
INTER38A.ZIP 349672 12-05-93 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 38 A
| Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
| both documented and undocumented. Contains
| over 5900 entries in INTER38A to INTER38C,
| and conversion programs to create hypertext
| databases as well as other miscellaneous
| programs in INTER38D.
INTER38B.ZIP 366504 12-05-93 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 38 A
| Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
| both documented and undocumented. Contains
| over 5900 entries in INTER38A to INTER38C,
| and conversion programs to create hypertext
| databases as well as other miscellaneous
| programs in INTER38D.
INTER38C.ZIP 143242 12-05-93 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 38 A
| Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
| both documented and undocumented. Contains
| over 5900 entries in INTER38A to INTER38C,
| and conversion programs to create hypertext
| databases as well as other miscellaneous
| programs in INTER38D.
INTER38D.ZIP 212003 12-05-93 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 38 A
| Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
| both documented and undocumented. Contains
| over 5900 entries in INTER38A to INTER38C,
| and conversion programs to create hypertext
| databases as well as other miscellaneous
| programs in INTER38D.
JORF21_1.ZIP 561745 10-24-93 JORF Interpreter v2.1 [1/2]; Josephine's
| Recipe Filer is an innovative application
| language. Easy to learn. Full featured. CUA
| Compliant in DOS Text mode and native windows
| mode. Object Oriented, Window Manager,
| International dates, supports DBF/DBT/NTX
| files. $85.00 Developer's Kit available.
| Josephine is a Goat.
JORF21_2.ZIP 382609 10-24-93 JORF Interpreter v2.1 [2/2]; Josephine's
| Recipe Filer is an innovative application
| language. Easy to learn. Full featured. CUA
| Compliant in DOS Text mode and native windows
| mode. Object Oriented, Window Manager,
| International dates, supports DBF/DBT/NTX
| files. $85.00 Developer's Kit available.
| Josephine is a Goat.
KRNLKB.ZIP 175987 11-17-93 SDK Knowledgebase Windows Kernal API Calls
MENUTO.ZIP 6326 11-09-93 FT_MENUTO bug corrected (NanforLib v2.1)
MINHLP.ZIP 26666 09-04-93 MINIHELP! Lets you create Windows Help topic
| files without an RTF editor. It's small,
| fastand limited.
MOUSEG.ZIP 202481 11-01-93 Mouse for Get,MENU,ACHOICE,Browse,MEMOEDIT
MOUSNG.ZIP 30464 11-07-93 Norton Guides for MOUSEG.ZIP
MSJFEB94.ZIP 194850 02-01-94 Microsoft Journal Code for February 1994
MSJJAN94.ZIP 60248 01-20-94 Microsoft Journal Code for January 1994
NAPAPI10.ZIP 339229 07-13-93 NAPLPS API v1.00; Now programmers interested
| in adding NAPLPS support to their programs
| can do so without the long development times
| and headaches associated with writing their
| own API from scratch. All users of this API
| have the option of purchasing the full Turbo
| Pascal 7.0 source code.
NB_RND.ZIP 75994 12-27-93 random number generator - source PD
NTXDIR.ZIP 2053 11-26-93 NTXDIR - DIR showing NTX expression
OS24CL.ZIP 6355 11-08-93 OS/2 config files as example for Clipper
OS2EXEC.ZIP 24750 11-30-93 v1.1a starts OS/2 program from DOS session
PCLEAN.ZIP 137194 07-18-93 PC_CLEAN routine can be used as an
| RESTORATION ROUTINE generator and as a
| compression procedure.
PCOPT110.ZIP 88545 11-20-93 PC_Opt v1.1; Post compile module optimizer
| that analyzes across object modules and
| runtime libraries. Performs optimization on
| object code.
PC_TALK.ZIP 140431 08-18-93 PC-TALK (The speech library) v2.1; Voice
| library that plays thru the PC speaker. This
| can be used to add real human speech to your
| programs. No special hard-ware need to run
| this program. There are over 100 words and
| phrases in this package.
PEO12.ZIP 391120 02-11-94 PROGRAM ENTITY ORGANIZER v1.2; Analysis and
| documentation tool for COBOL- COBOL analysis
| tool to follow and document the myriad of
| logic and data flow paths through COBOL main
| programs, subprograms, and copy books;
| combines programs; shows call hierarchy;
| provides element name filters; for structured
| and spaghetti code.
PINST143.ZIP 270492 12-22-93 PowerInstall v1.43; Excellent 8 language
| installation tool. Eng/Fr/Sp/Gr/It/Sw/Du/Nor
| Used in Europe by HP for Autocad drivers.
| Mouse, text windows, menus, Asc/Bin file
| changing. Look&feel of any text app. Exec
| progs in a window. SFX utility.
PJ110.ZIP 279749 02-24-94 PJ v1.1; Great source file management tool-
| An indispensible programming tool for use on
| a software project utilizing shared project
| libraries. Includes: Library checkout
| control; Automatic updating of Make and
| Library files; and Automatic 'BAK' versions
| of up to 1000 files/library.
PRGCARS1.ZIP 5524 03-09-94 Selecting a Programming Language Made Easy or
| "How Programming Languages compare to
| automobiles!"
QINST20.ZIP 116275 02-25-94 QUIK-INSTALL is an easy to setup and use
| application installation program. Supports
| multiple disks installations, copies files or
| unpaks EXE archives, checks available disk
| space, configurable colors, prompt & message,
| less than 7k in size, completely menu driven,
| no scripts or programming, stores setup
| internally, (No .CFG or script files.) full
| mouse support, context sensitive help and
| much more!
QPATCH13.ZIP 30715 08-14-93 Quick, Patch It Version 1.3. This is a
| complete patching program. Allows developers
| to update files easily, and quickly.
| Validates files before updating, makes
| changes, then verifies changes. Includes the
| make and patch files. Now with better
| reporting and delete file option.
RKINST.ZIP 96317 08-09-93 RK-Install : Install program with data
| compression
RMAST37.ZIP 97475 09-04-93 Raster Master V3.7: Sprite, Icon editor for
| creating and editing small graphic images
| .PCX CEL/BMP/ICO. Create source code for
| images, palettes, and mouse.16 and 256 color
| support. Turbo Pascal, QuickBASIC, Turbo C,
| QuickC, Fastgraph, TEGL. Requires VGA/SVGA
RSSINST1.ZIP 315191 06-15-93 A set of C'n'N (Cheap'n'Nasty) install
| routines for those who distribute data
| compressed files (.ZIP .ARJ .LZH etc) on
| diskette. Will handle up to 500 compressed
| files per diskette. Mouse support
RXU11.ZIP 119290 06-21-93 Rexx programs; A generic timeout detecting
| function and YDBAUTIL function package to do
| multi- threaded Rexx programming.
S3DSIZ21.ZIP 80243 08-24-93 S3 Delimitted Field Size Utility (DSIZE)
| v2.1; Purpose: To identify the number of
| records in a file, the maximum and minimum
| number of fields in the records encountered
| as well as the maximum and minimum size of
| each field that is encountered.
SCRTIL.ZIP 2619 11-11-93 Paint 'tiled' pattern on screen region
SD100.ZIP 119429 11-02-93 Text Screen Designer makes .com and/or .obj
SEARCH.ZIP 1618 11-16-93 a search procedure
SPMATE12.ZIP 436236 10-04-93 Spelmate v1.2; Spell Checker DLL for Windows.
| Spelmate allows developers to add spell
| checking capabilities to their own Windows
| Application. Spelmate can be used from C, C++
| ,Pascal and Visual Basic. Example Programs in
| all three languages are supplied. Available
| in either British or American versions.
STDM14.ZIP 44644 09-14-93 STDEMO PLAYER v1.4 - Demo/tutorial builder
| for any Windows 3.x application. You write
| demo as a script, from which you can start
| several programs, 'play' some keystrokes and
| mouse actions in it, and interact with user
| by numerous dialogs (coded in script). Thus
| you are able to demonstrate application
| simply by running it. Also can be used as a
| Windows batch language or scheduler.
SV14BUS.ZIP 279862 12-06-93 Sound & Vision for Clipper v1.4b shareware
SWT311.ZIP 447266 11-05-93 SHAREWARE TRACKER v3.11; Business and record
| keeping office system for shareware authors.
| It keeps track of registered users,
| submissions, revenue and expenses. Update,
| tech support, subscription sales, and more.
| Mail-merges letters and labels. User-defined
| and pre-defined reports, and much much more.
TASKLR12.ZIP 116791 10-21-93 Task Killer v1.2: MS-Windows pgm designed to
| display all of the modules (DLL's and EXE's)
| currently loaded in the system, can terminate
| any module, decrement the usage count of DLLs
| create multiple module lists showing the
| state of the system at different times,
| compare module lists in side-by-side windows,
| save module lists to files and print module
| lists.
TERMINAL.ZIP 5611 01-20-94 Comm Term & clipper source for FastLib 3.0
THEPRN14.ZIP 95984 01-15-94 THE PRINTER 1.4 Programmer's database of
| printer codes for HUNDREDS of printers! It's
| designed to help eliminate a night- mare many
| programmers face: * Formatting text on the
| dozens or hundreds of different printers our
| users have. * To print bold here, italics
| there, etc., one needs printer codes that
| will work REGARDLESS of which printer a user
| installs. The Printer provides them!!
TLDR22.ZIP 269045 06-15-93 ToolDriver v2.02; Organizes software files
| and names. It comes with menus, mouse support
| and online help. Produces a File Parts List
| report showing loops and obsolete files.
| Makes changing names easy - in all source and
| documentation text files.
TWOCLR.ZIP 4434 11-11-93 Create/display prompts in two mixed colors
USERKB.ZIP 505425 11-17-93 Windows SDK Knowledge base, USER.EXE 11/93
V7NL.ZIP 64192 01-08-94 V7NL.DLL 32bit API access Fido v7 nodelist
VCS10.ZIP 22344 11-21-93 Monitors file and ZIPs up when changed
VENDINFO.ZIP 63538 08-31-93 VENDINFO File-Format Standard, alpha-test
| v0.90; File format, and some related
| materials, for a system for conveying
| software product information and distribution
| permissions from author to distributors.
| VENDINFO will allow automation of many
| operations now performed manually by BBS
| Sysops, disk vendors, etc.
VH20E.ZIP 326044 09-26-93 Visual Help Version0e Wysiwyg Authoring Tool
| For Windows Help Files, Use Drag And Drop To
| Create Professional Help Files Fast, Support
| For Bitmap And Sound Files So You Can Develop
| Complete Multimedia Documents. Wysiwyg Tests.
VISTAPR.ZIP 191640 06-28-93 VistaPro landscape creator. This is a demo
| version that will run except will not save or
| run in higher res than 640x480
WDEV16.ZIP 304659 11-23-93 WINDEV v1.561; Integrated program development
| environment for MS Windows, that can be used
| just as well for text editing only. It has a
| powerful multi-windowed editor with
| configurable key bindings and a
| search/replace command using UNIX regular
| expressions. Other features include tool &
| status bars, hex viewer, file comparison,
| hypertext links, and a direct interface to
| any vendor's compiler.
WDEV32.ZIP 318449 11-23-93 WINDEV v1.561; Integrated program development
| environment for MS Windows, that can be used
| just as well for text editing only. It has a
| powerful multi-windowed editor with
| configurable key bindings and a search,
| replace command using UNIX regular
| expressions. Other features include tool &
| status bars, hex viewer, file comparison,
| hypertext links, and a direct interface to
| any vendor's compiler.
WIN32KB.ZIP 305170 11-17-93 Windows SDK Knowledge base, Win32 API
WINSET1.ZIP 88601 11-13-93 WINSETUP V1.0 <ASP> Professional Windows
| Installation Utility- Professional Windows
| installation for your programs! Supports easy
| configuration, self-extracting archives,
| multiple diskettes, and installation of your
| programs in the Windows File Manager. Tiny
| 26K executable for easy distribution.
WINST215.ZIP 36877 10-10-93 Programmer's Utility,v2.15,Shareware - Front
| end for installing programs into Windows 3.1+
XLIB.ZIP 46481 08-24-93 XLIB v1.0 (DOS Extender Library)
YILMAZ.ZIP 98271 06-08-93 Yilmaz Disassembler v1.1; Interactive
| disassembler. It teaches the assembly
| language by allowing the user to be a part of
| the disassembling process. You can
| disassemble in different modes such as
| visibility of machine codes, visibility of
| data labels and using different data format.